The Solo Trip Where Transportation Sucked

Amber Latin
5 min readJul 7, 2023

But Otherwise Turned Out Amazing

Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

It was April when I started to panic about Father’s Day plans. Like many others, it’s a hard day for me. Since getting away for the weekend last year worked well (which I discuss in the article linked below), I decided I would try again this year.

Instead of hitting the highway with my mom again, I decided to try flying somewhere alone. I’m no stranger to traveling solo domestically and after searching for flights to and from various cities, I decided on Denver.

My travel woes began almost instantly. I drove myself to the airport bright and early. Actually, it wasn’t bright. It was just plain early, around 3am.

I parked my car on one of those semi-expensive yet convenient airport parking lots and waited for a shuttle. And waited. And waited. I’d never had such a long wait. More often than not, shuttles are waiting for passengers. Not this time.

Eventually, a shuttle did come by but flew right passed me.

